unconscious process

美 [ʌnˈkɑːnʃəs ˈprɑːses]英 [ʌnˈkɒnʃəs ˈprəʊses]
  • 网络无意识;潜意识过程;意识过程;潜意识历程
unconscious processunconscious process


a mental process that you are not directly aware of
the process of denial
Synonym: process


  1. The unconscious process of face had long memory time effect .


  2. Subliminal negative priming is a new paradigm for research on the unconscious process of cognition .


  3. An unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires .


  4. In Freudian psychoanalysis , condensation is a term used to describe one of the fundamental unconscious process ;


  5. Human memory often involves an unconscious process of selection and distortion , the better to believe the stories we tell others .


  6. In recent years , a growing number of studies have found that the conscious process and unconscious process could not be completely separated .


  7. ( psychoanalysis ) an unconscious process whereby two ideas or images combine into a single symbol ; especially in dreams .


  8. The classic theory of attention controlling and automated processing suggested that the unconscious process is an automated and independent process without any attention or other cognitive activities involved .


  9. Reber ( 1967 ) firstly advanced the conception of implicit learning . Implicit learning is an unconscious process in which abstract knowledge produces going with the explicit learning .


  10. There is an unconscious heeling process within the mind which mends up in spite of our desperate determination never to forget .


  11. Meanwhile , it also discusses the important function of unconscious in art creation process .


  12. Conscious sex consciousness can also be divided into conscious avoidance , appropriate grasp and conscious conformability . Many women artists ' sex consciousness is unconscious , during the process of producing works of art , they regard themselves as individuals but not women .
